You will be able to see the following stats for all your team’s matches. The stats you get are based on the package you chose.
- Professional Package
- Challenger Package
Singles Stats
These are the stats you will receive for each singles match.
Tennis Analytics Singles KPI’s | Professional | Challenger |
Point Score, Set Score, Game Score | x | x |
Serve % | x | x |
Serve Placement | x | x |
Deuce/Ad Breakdown | x | x |
Aces, Double Faults | x | x |
Return %, Stroke, Outcome | x | x |
Return Placement, Efficiency | x | x |
Return Contact Position | x | |
Serve +1 %, Stroke, Outcome | x | x |
Serve +1 Placement, Efficiency | x | x |
Serve +1 Contact Position | x | |
Return +1 %, Stroke, Outcome | x | x |
Return +1 Placement, Efficiency | x | x |
Return +1 Contact Position | x | x |
Ending Shot %, Stroke, Outcome | x | x |
Ending Shot Placement, Efficiency | x | x |
Ending Shot Contact Position | x | |
Rally Length Range | x | x |
Rally Length Exact | x | |
Winner/Errors Total | x | x |
Points W/L | x | x |
Break Points | x | x |
Net Appearances | x | x |
Online Filters | x | x |
Search and Share Match Events | x | x |
Premium Report and Stats | x | |
Online Report | x | |
Season Averages | x | |
Benchmark Comparison | x |
Doubles Stats
The stats below are for doubles.
Tennis Analytics Doubles KPI’s | Professional | Challenger |
Point Score, Set Score, Game Score | x | x |
Serve % | x | x |
Serve Placement | x | x |
Serve breakdown by Player | x | x |
Deuce/Ad Breakdown | x | x |
Aces, Double Faults | x | x |
Return % | x | x |
Return breakdown by Player | x | |
Return Stroke | x | x |
Return Placement | x | |
Ending Shot Stroke | x | x |
Ending Shot Placement | x | |
Ending Shot breakdown by Player | x | |
Poach Attempts | x | x |
Poach breakdown by Player | x | |
Rally Length | x | x |
Winner/Errors Total | x | x |
Points W/L | x | x |
Break Points | x | x |
Online Filters | x | x |
Basic Statistics | x | x |
Premium Report and Stats | x | |
Online Report | x |