For the month of March, we will compare key stats of the pros vs college players.

We looked at over 388,000 points (ATP – 213,391, NCAA-M – 174,619) from 2022 to 2023 to see what the differences are on strength of serve.
While 1st Serve % was very similar, Pros were 5% better than College players on both 1st Serve Points Won (71% vs 66%), and also on Aces (12% vs 7%).
Interesting, is that there was a similar but inverse pattern on 2nd Serve numbers. Pros served 3% fewer double faults, but won 3% more points on 2nd Serve than College men.

Are serve numbers any different on the Women’s side? Next week we will look at the serve stats for WTA and NCAA-W players.

The Return though is the spoiler.
Return numbers work inversely to serve numbers – the better you return, the “worse” your opponent serves. If I win 50% of all 2nd Returns, the Server wins the remaining 50%. But if I will just 1% more on return, the gap is actually 2%. I now win 51%, while my opponent drops to 49%.
1% makes a big difference in our sport.
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