Every week, Tennis Analytics dives deep into the data, bringing you a stat of the week to help you understand tennis better and become a little smarter.
Stat of the Week: 15%
Last week we looked at differences in winners and errors after the return (from the 3rd shot) for the B14 division at the 2021 Jr. Orange Bowl. This week we shift our attention to similar data from the G14 division.
This is data from 7,833 points (71 matches).
For every one winner hit in G14 division:
- Match winners make 3.3 errors (Boys was 3.8).
- Match losers make 7.2 errors (Boys was 6.4).

All points end in either a winner or an error. When we subtract the winner’s errors from winners, and then compare to the match losers, there is a differential of 15%.

Point of the Week
As mentioned last week, tennis is clearly a game of errors. Knowing where and how you make errors is very powerful data and helps you plan the practice court. This in turn helps you improve faster.
Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity is “Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.”
If you’re not improving as fast as you’d like, change something!
Get your match data and start planning your practice court with our player packages.
Photo of the Week
The US had 3 ladies in the AO quarterfinal this year (Keys, Pegula, Collins). Jennifer Brady reached the final last year. Here is a look at her forehand.

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